Just another sight

Situs: liriknasyid.com
Album: Diari Rindu
Munsyid: Amar
Just another day
just another pain
Just another fear there is coming
Just another night
just another sight
The naked field and the darken sky

Voice of the little crying
In the middle of silent
Love has gone

Night with no light to guide
and to leed
And the earth in dust of the burning
And the red river of blood
In this very earth
want you see
don't you see
just a quest that never been answered

everything has gone wrong
tell the reason please tell me why
for a while would we sit back
and think for a while
thinking the think that we should have gone

just a dream that never will come true
if we still sleeping and still dreaming
just another we hopping to survive
hopping there will be someone out there
Pengirim : ~aNa~
07/07/2006   ambil lirik   8001 klik

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